
As of December 1st, 2009, the FTC requires that all bloggers disclose whenever there could be any type of hidden interests or unspoken biases related to product recommendations.

Personal note: If you do the work you get the results.

If you know me at all, you know that I would never promote something that I don’t think is awesome. I don’t promote things that I don’t use or haven’t used SUCCESSFULLY in the past, and at the VERY worst a client tried it and was successful. I’m pretty much an open book.

I don’t promote poor products and risk my reputation, no matter what companies may offer me or throw my way, because then I know I lose your trust and won’t be able to help you any more.

However, largely due to the fake supplement blogs and other similar scams full disclosure is now required.

That means I would have to mention it every time I’m pictured wearing a t-shirt that someone might have given me for free or tell you if a colleague I interview picks up the bill for lunch. This would be tedious for me and make for a horrible reading experience for you.

To protect my own behind, let’s just assume that for every link I post, recommendation I make and product I use, all of the following hold true:

-I got free food
-I got hooked up with some cool tech stuff and supplies
-I have a relationship with one of the people in the story
-I got some serious bank $$$
-I got free clothes
-I got stock options
If I profit from anything you buy, I’ll make sure to do something exceptionally cool with it.